Four Things I'm Looking Forward To Next Week
Changes Are Good
As you have noticed, this is the millionth time I have changed the template for my blog. You see, I get bored pretty easily and I have yet to find the template I really like, which explains why my blog is shedding its skin so frequently.
One Thing I Learnt Over The Weekend
That you can be detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) if your life is under threat. Which means if I stalk some one, that person would go to jail! Nice!
Meet Kingda Ka!

Google lah!
I don't mean to be mean, but sometimes hearing another person's voice through the phone cracks me up. The manner they answer the phone, their voices and the dumb things they say on the phone sometimes made me laugh out loud (like I said, I don't mean to be mean, but I can't help myself). But a year back, this phone conversation I had with an operator totally raised the bar for the ultimate phone conversation stupidity.
The Story Of A Travelling Bean Bag

That Evil Black Thing
Question: What is black, has buttons on each side and is known to cause some sort of finger injury?
Answer: This.
I have been wanting to get one of these for the longest of time (yes, I know I'm three years overdue, so shut up!) but I haven't got the chance to, with money being the main reason why. Over the weekend, my brother got one and let me tell you, this black object is evil with a capital 'E'!
For anyone who loves gaming as much as I do, they would agree that the PSP is one hell of an entertainment device: you can play games, listen to music, watch movies and surf the web with this device.
When you have this device in your hands, hours pass by like minutes. On Sunday, I spent three hours playing this game:
Not only is the game addictive but it is sure tough as hell. It took me almost 30 minutes getting past one round, no thanks to this guy. My fingers literally went numb after the three-hour stint. Not because I suck at the game, but the difficulty of the level is hard and I have only less than a day of training OK?
Anyway, I think I’ll get one by the end of the year. But at the mean time, my bro’s poor PSP will suffer the wrath of my PSP-derived fingers.