I don't mean to be mean, but sometimes hearing another person's voice through the phone cracks me up. The manner they answer the phone, their voices and the dumb things they say on the phone sometimes made me laugh out loud (like I said, I don't mean to be mean, but I can't help myself). But a year back, this phone conversation I had with an operator totally raised the bar for the ultimate phone conversation stupidity.

At that time, I was with this PR company and I needed to contact the editor of this magazine owned by a large local broadcasting company urgently. So I called the hotline and this girl, I presume it's the operator, picked up the phone. The conversation - which I swear is a true story - went something like this:  

Dumb-ass Operator (DAO): Good morning! Thank you for calling XXX!
Me: Good morning. Could you pass me to the editor of ABC magazine please?
DAO: We don't have their number, so we can't pass you to her
Me: Ohhkayy! So can I have their number so I can personally call her?
DAO: We don't have her number, sir
Me: What about her e-mail? Can I have her e-mail please?
DAO: We don't have her e-mail too
Me: Then can I at least know the editor's name?
DAO: You Google lah!

At that very moment, I went speechless. And at that very moment, I felt the girl's hand crushing my nuts. I don't know what to say to that poor girl, so I quietly hung up the phone.